
What is Non Grain Oriented Silicon Steel

What is Non Grain Oriented Silicon Steel

Non-oriented silicon steel is a ferrosilicon alloy with very low carbon content. In the deformed and annealed steel sheet, the grains are randomly oriented. Generally, non-oriented grain cold-rolled strips are used as iron cores for motors or welding transformers, etc.


Cold-rolled non-oriented silicon steel sheets are hot rolled steel slabs or continuous cast slabs into coils with a thickness of about 2.3 mm. Cold-rolled silicon steel strip has the characteristics of flat surface, uniform thickness, high stacking coefficient, good punching characteristics, etc., and has higher magnetic induction and lower iron loss than hot-rolled silicon steel strip.

Use cold belt instead of hot-rolled belt to manufacture motor or transformer, its weight and volume can be reduced by 0% -25%. If the cold-rolled oriented belt is used, the performance is better. Using it to replace the hot-rolled belt or low-grade cold-rolled belt can reduce the power consumption of the transformer by 45% -50%, and the transformer performance is more reliable.

Non-oriented silicon steel is magnetically balanced with the rolling direction and other directions, and is widely used in motor cores

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